Osensjøen Camping


The campsite is a good starting point for cycling and there are many hiking opportunities. Here are two bike tours that we would recommend! Otherwise, there are many roads in the area with little traffic that are nice to cycle on.

A great cycle ride is the Osdalsrunden, which runs along both sides of the river Nordre Osa and through Osdalen north of Lake Osensjøen. The route is easy and without any particular climb, a total of 140 meters in height, and is suitable for the whole family.
See the same map as above. But you can take the trip to Furutangen. Furutangen is located at 540 m.a.s.l. and from here there is a lovely view of Lake Osensjøen. Mattisstua by Furutangen has an open café on weekends and offers various activities.